About us

Gustav, 26
A resident of Gothenburg in Småland with an interest in design and entrepreneurship. He's been around for quite a while.
Gustav is driven by things happening and is never far from a good (bad) idea.
In addition to Sjösätta, he has worked in the event and experience industry, created products that were sold all over the world (USA, Korea, Australia, Italy, etc.) and was involved in starting two organizations for driven young people.

Oliver, 33
A Malmöite from Scania with an interest in interior design and entrepreneurship.
Oliver finds it difficult to sit still and in recent years has combined full-time work with a number of side projects.
In addition to Sjösätta, Oliver has worked with cyber security, fire art, sales and sold more than fifty thousand hooks for vinyl records to more than 50 countries.
Oliver also started with UF by providing last-minute tickets to young people in Malmö